How to use Typhoon
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Typhoon is an app that allows to send private and anonymous transactions between 2 wallets. So how do you use it?
If you navigate to, you see the main application:
There are 2 actions you can take:
A DEPOSIT is putting money into Typhoon
A WITHDRAWAL is taking money out of Typhoon
To send money to a friend, you have to first deposit the funds into one of the available vaults (0.1, 1, 10, 50 for BNB). Upon depositing, you will receive a random piece of text, a "note" back.
The note is your key. Everyone who has this note can take the money you put into Typhoon out again.
So to send money to a friend? Give him the typhoon note!
Typhoon works the way it does because it normalizes all deposits to the same denominations. If every user can only deposit 1BNB, it is much harder to figure out which transactions stand out from the rest.
Using the 'amount' field instead of the tabs activates auto-split mode, and Typhoon will automatically try to distribute the amount you entered across all Typhoon smart contracts.
This will cost a little TYPH fee, for more information check our writeup on "Easy Deposit"
Easy Deposit (Beta)To withdraw money from Typhoon and cash a note, hit the "WITHDRAWAL" tab
You'll be asked 3 things:
Note: This is the typhoon note that Typhoon returned when depositing funds
Recipient address: This is the address you wish to withdraw to
Relayer: Whether to use the secure relayer or not
After entering all details, hit "Withdraw". If you have the Relayer turned on, you will receive a confirmation message. If you have Relayer turned off, you will be asked to confirm the transaction in Metamask (or other web3 provider).
To make sure your transaction really is anonymous, don't withdraw immediately. Wait a few hours or even a few days after the deposit has been made, then withdraw. This make sure that your deposit had enough time to mix with deposits of other users.
It is recommended to always use the Relayer for withdrawals unless you know what you're doing, to not accidentally link deposit and withdrawal wallet together.